About Us

Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (IAND), an affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is a not-for-profit professional organization. With approximately 3,200 members, it is the largest professional organization of nutrition and health professionals in Illinois. Membership is limited to Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN), Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTR), and dietetic students in Illinois. The Illinois Academy members have been providing expert food and nutrition resources to citizens of Illinois since 1931. 

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As you might expect, our members work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, clinics, public health units, long-term care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, health fitness centers, private practice, business, industry, schools, universities, and research centers.


 Help Illinois communities improve health and well-being by empowering dietetic professionals through food and nutrition leadership, partnerships, education, and advocacy. 


Dietetic professionals are seen as food and nutrition experts and partners in the effort to help communities flourish through evidence-based and preventative food and nutrition practices. 


Collaborative, Evidence-based, Preventative, Professional, and Empowering

 Updated January 2025